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WuppìMini (temporary name?) is a minimalist, basic HTML-based frontend, designed for quickly and efficiently publishing to social media and content management services (note that only WordPress is currently supported).
Mainly aimed at old systems that might not support modern web-apps, the server-hosted version of this application works without any client-side scripts, and should be optionally reachable via unencrypted HTTP.
About practical use cases, you ask? I made this to upload game posts from my 3DS, and possibly microblog with my Kindle! (See an example: this post was published from my n3DS.)

Check out all my other web endeavors at, or join my Matrix space to chat or if you need help:


This app uses a novel approach behind the scenes to be able to run in one of either two modes, while reusing a single codebase: a classical server-side-rendered application, which works well on very limited systems but requires connection with a dedicated backend server that runs it, or a modern client-side single-page-application, relying on many modern web technologies, but working without an hosting server. Occasional bugs or update delays aside, the two essentially have feature parity and the same interface, but can be useful in different situations. Use whatever you prefer in each possible situation.

Open-Source, Licensing, Disclaimers

Copyright (C) 2024 OctoSpacc
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see

You can obtain the full source code and assets by downloading the following files: • index.jspackage.jsonpackage-lock.json.

Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

(These terms apply to the server-hosted version of the app only.)
This service is offered for free, in the hope that it can be useful, but without any warranty.
For the service to be able to publish your posts, your content is transmitted to our server, which then forwards it to the server of the service you specified at the time of login, operating on your behalf with the credentials you provided.
Usage of the service might be automatically monitored, and the metadata generated by you might be archived for analytics, debugging, or legal reasons, for as long as we see fit. For every web request, this could include: your IP address, your user agent, the time of request, the requested URL. On any request to an upstream server, this could include: the requested URL on the upstream server, your username hash. On request for posting content, this could include: the hash of each text field's content of your post, the metadata of your uploaded files (filename hash, content hash, content length, mime type). Your content itself, and all normal data, is never stored.
You are forbidden from using the service in any way that is damaging to the service itself or our infrastructure, or that is illegal in the jurisdiction this server is hosted in (Italy, Europe).
We reserve the right to ban you from using the service at any time, for any reason, and without any explanation or prior warning.
By continuing with the usage of this site, you declare to understand and agree to these terms.
If you don't agree with these terms, discontinue usage of this site immediately, and instead get the source code to host it yourself, find another instance, or use the local, client-side version.




